Vorträge und Poster
Vorträge und Poster von Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-J. Kretzschmar und Mitarbeitern:
219 | 56. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden (2024) Poster: | |
218 | EBSILON Professional Anwendertagung, Wiesbaden (2024) Software Präsentation: | |
217 | 18th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam Vortrag: Software Demonstration: | |
216 | Jahrestagung 2024 des German-Swiss Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (GSAPWS) e.V. (2024) Vortrag: | |
215 | 22nd ECTP European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Venedig (2023) Poster: | |
214 | EBSILON Professional Anwendertagung, Wiesbaden (2022) Poster: Software Presentation: | |
213 | Workshop on eLearning, Leipzig (2019) Poster: | |
212 | 51. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden (2019) Poster Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.: | |
211 | EBSILON Professional Anwendertagung, Wiesbaden (2019) Poster Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.: | |
210 | 14. Ingenieurpädagogische (IPW) Regionaltagung, Bremen (2019) Vortrag: Fieback, T.; Wulf, R.; Freudenreich, R.;Umlauft, T.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.: | |
209 | Netzwerk-Treffen Mathematik/Physik und E-Learning, Freiberg (2019) Vortrag: Wulf, R.; Freudenreich, R.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Fieback, T.; Umlauft, T.: | |
208 | 8. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik Re-GENERATION HOCHSCHULLEHRE, Leipzig (2019) Poster: | |
207 | AC2 User-Meeting (2018) Vortrag: | |
206 | Erfahrungsaustausch anlässlich der Verleihung des Sächsichen Lehrpreises, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Hörnitz (2018) | |
205 | Landtagsmittel-Projekttreffen der HSZG, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Zittau (2018) | |
204 | Forum AKTive Lehre, Leipzig (2018) Poster: | |
203 | INFORINO-2018 Conference, Moskau (2018) Vortrag: | |
202 | Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2018, Kassel (2018) | |
201 | Workshop on eLearning, Görlitz (2018) Vortrag: | |
200 | 17th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam, Prag (2018) Vorträge: Kunick, M.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Berry, R.; Martineau, F.; di Mare, F.; Post, P.; Gampe, U.: Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.: | |
199 | 2018 IAPWS Meeting, Prag (2018) Vorträge: Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Sünder, M.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S. et al.: | |
198 | Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics, Rostock (2018) | |
197 | The 20th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, USA (2018) Vortrag | |
196 | 18th Meeting of the International Association for Transport Properties, Boulder, CO, USA (2018) Vortrag
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195 | 2018 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Houston, TX, USA (2018) Vortrag Poster- & Computer-Präsentation | |
194 | Abschlussvorlesung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. H.-J. Kretzschmar, Zittau (2018) | |
193 | 13. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung 2018, Bochum (2018) Vortrag | |
192 | Tag der Lehre 2018 - Blended Learning - , Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Zittau (2018) Vortrag | |
191 | 2018 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago, IL, USA (2018) Vortrag | |
190 | Fakultätskolloquium der Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Zittau (2017) Vortrag | |
189 | EBSILON Professional Anwendertagung, Wiesbaden (2017) Poster Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.: | |
188 | Außerplanmäßiges Institutskolloquium 2017, Institut für Prozeßtechnik, Prozessautomatisierung und Messtechnik, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Zittau (2017) Vortrag: | |
187 | 21st European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Graz, Österreich (2017) | |
186 | 6th Rostocker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, THERMAM 2017, Rostock (2017) | |
185 | ASHRAE Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA, USA (2017) | |
184 | Kolloquium des Facharbeitskreises Thermodynamik, TU Freiberg, Freiberg (2017) Vortrag: | |
183 | The 3rd International Conference on Water Resource and Environment, Qingdao, China (2017) Vortrag: | |
182 | SMWK Projektkonferenz, Zittau (2017) | |
181 | Ingenieurpädagogische Regionaltagung 2017, Ilmenau (2017) Vortrag:
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180 | Arbeitstreffen des Deutschen Nationalen Komitees der IAPWS - The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, Hamburg (2017) Vortrag:
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179 | ASHRAE Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA (2017) Vortrag: Herrmann, S.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Aute, V. C.; Gatley, D. P.: Poster- & Computer-Präsentation:
| |
178 | Fachtagung der Kerntechnischen Gesellschaft (2016) Vortrag:
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177 | IMECE - International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA (2016) Poster:
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176 | Eröffnung des Wissenschaftsjahres, Zittau (2016) | |
175 | HDS Forum, HTW Dresden (2016)
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174 | 48. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden (2016) Poster:
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173 | Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2016, Kaiserslautern (2016) Poster: Kunick, M.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.; di Mare, F.; Gampe, U.:
| |
172 | Geschäftssitzung des Fachausschusses Thermodynamik der VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt und ProcessNet, Kaiserslautern (2016) Vortrag:
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171 | Workshop on eLearing, Görlitz (2016) Vortrag:
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169 | EBSILON Professional Anwendertagung, Wiesbaden (2016) Poster: Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.: Kunick, M.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.; di Mare, F.; Gampe, U.:
| |
168 | ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, Korea (2016) Poster:
| |
167 | SMWK Projektkonferenz, Zittau (2016) | |
166 | 16th Meeting of the International Association Vortrag: | |
165 | Fakultätskolloquium der Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Zittau (2016) Vortrag
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164 | 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, USA (2016)
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163 | Arbeitstreffen des Deutschen Nationalen Komitees der IAPWS - The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, Rostock (2016) Vortrag
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162 | ASHRAE Winter Conference, Orlando, FL, USA (2016) Poster- & Computer-Präsentation
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161 | Kolloquium at the Technical University of Dresden, Chair of Technical Thermodynamics (2015) Vorträge M. Kunick, H.-J. Kretzschmar, U. Gampe, F. di Mare
| |
160 | SMWK Projektleitertreffen (2015) Vortrag
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159 | 47. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden (2015) Poster Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.; Stöcker, I.; Nicke, M.: Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.; Stöcker, I.; Nicke, M.:
| |
158 | Workshop on eLearing, Leipzig (2015) Vortrag
157 | IDA World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, San Diego (2015) Poster
156 | EBSILON Professional Anwendertagung, Wiesbaden (2015) Vortrag Poster Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.; Stöcker, I.; Nicke, M.:
155 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Stockholm (2015) Vortrag
154 |
ASHRAE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA (2015) Poster- & Computer-Präsentation
153 | 19th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties Boulder, CO, USA (2015) Vortrag
Vogel, E.; Herrmann, S.; Hassel, E.; Span, R.: Poster Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Herrmann, S.; Feistel, R.; Wagner, W.: Computer-Präsentation
152 | ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition - GT2015, Montréal, Canada (2015) Vortrag:
151 | 9th International Conference of Young Scientists Vortrag
150 | Arbeitstreffen des Deutschen Nationalen Komitees der IAPWS - The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, Zittau (2015) Vortrag Poster Herrmann, S.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Ulbig, P. Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Stoecker, I.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.; Nicke, M.: Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Stöcker, I.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.; Nicke, M.: Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Stöcker, I.; Kunick, M.; Herrmann, S.; Nicke, M.:
149 | Öffentliche Verteidigung der Dissertation an der Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik der Universität Rostock, Rostock (2015) Vortrag
148 | ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago, IL, USA (2015) Poster- & Computer-Präsentation
147 | HDS.forum, Freiberg (2014) Poster
146 | Kolloquium der Siemens AG, Mühlheim (2014) (Colloquium of the Siemens Corporation, Mülheim, Germany) Lectures Kunick, M.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Gampe, U.; di Mare, F.:
145 | Int'l Workshop on Eq. of State, Havdeshoj, DK (2014) Vortrag Fast Calculation of Thermodynaic an Transport Properties Using Spline Interpolation of Transient Process Simulations in Ebsilon an CFD.
144 | 28th Turbomachinery Workshop, Plzen, Czech Republic (2014) Lecture Fast Calculation of Real Fluid Properties for Steam Turbine CFD Analysis with the new IAPWS Standard on the Spline-Based Table Look-Up Method (SBTL).
143 | 46th Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium 2014, Dresden (2014) Lecture Simulation instationärer Prozesse und CFD in Dampfturbinen mithilfe eine neuen Spline-basierten Stoffwert-Berechnungsverfahrens.
142 | Besuch der Professur für Kältetechnik (TU Dresden) am Fachgebiet Technische Thermodynamik, Zittau (2014)
141 | EBSILON-Anwendertagung(EBSILON User's Conference), Wiesbaden, Germany (2014) Poster
140 | Thermodynamics Congress 2014, Stuttgart (2014)
139 | Workshop on eLearning - WeL 2014 - Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (2014)
138 | ECTP 2014 - 20th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Porto, Portugal (2014)
137 | ASHRAE Annual Conference, Seattle (2014) |
136 | SMWK Projektkonferenz, Zittau (2014)
135 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Moscow (2014)
134 | THERMAM 2014 - Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials and 3rd Rostocker Symposium on Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics, Izmir, Turkey (2014)
133 | Conference and Exhibition on Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy, Limassol, Cyprus (2014) |
132 | TRACE User Conference, DLR Cologne, Germany (2014) |
131 | Arbeitstagung 2014 des Deutschen Nationalen Komitees der IAPWS, Bochum, Germany (2014) - 2014 Seminar of the IAPWS German National Committee in Bochum, Germany (2014) |
130 | ASHRAE Winter Conference, New York (2014) |
129 | EBSILON-Anwendertagung (EBSILON Users' Conference), Wiesbaden, Germany (2013) Posters |
128 | HDS.forum, Zittau, Germany (2013) |
127 | International Colloquium on the 150th Birthday of Richard Mollier, Dresden, Germany (2013)
126 | Doktorandenseminar der Professur für Thermische Energiemaschinen und Anlagen, Institut für Energietechnik, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, TU Dresden, Germany (November 2013)
125 | Thermodynamik-Kolloquium des VDI und der DECHEMA, Hamburg, Germany (2013) |
124 | Geschäftssitzung des Fachausschusses Thermodynamik der VDI-GET und ProcessNet, Hamburg, Germany (2013)
123 | Workshop on e-Learning - WeL 2013, Leipzig, Germany (2013) |
122 | 16th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam (16th ICPWS), London, United Kingdom (2013) |
121 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom (2013)
120 | 13th Meeting of the International Association for Transport Properties, Bremen, Germany (2013) |
119 | 2nd Symposium on Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics, Rostock, Germany (2013) |
118 | Doktorandenseminar der Professur für Thermische Energiemaschinen und Anlagen, Institut für Energietechnik, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, TU Dresden, Germany (2013) |
117 | Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Hamburg, Germany (2013) |
116 | Jahrestagung des Deutschen Nationalen Komitees der IAPWS, Erlangen, Germany (2013) |
115 | ASHRAE Winter Conference, Dallas (2013)
114 | EBSILON-Anwendertagung (EBSILON User's Conference), Heidelberg, Germany (2012) (EBSILON User's Conference) |
113 | 26th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Potsdam, Germany (2012) |
112 | 44. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany (2012) (44th Colloquium on Power Station Technology, Dresden, Germany) |
111 | Thermodynamik-Kolloquium des VDI und der DECHEMA, Potsdam, Germany (2012)
110 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Boulder CO (2012) |
109 | Symposium on Thermophysical Properties of Fluids, Zittau, Germany (2012) |
108 | Symposium on Thermophysical Properties of Fluids, Zittau, Germany (2012) |
107 | 18th International Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder CO (2012) |
106 | 27. FDBR-Fachtagung Rohrleitungstechnik, Magdeburg, Germany (2012) Poster |
105 | 13. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz mitteldeutscher Fachhochschulen, Görlitz, Germany (2012) |
104 | Jahrestagung des Deutschen Nationalen Komitees der IAPWS, Bochum, Germany (2012) |
103 | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Cologne, Germany (2012) |
102 | Deutsche Kälte-Klima-Tagung, Aachen, Germany (2011) |
101 | EBSILON-Anwendertagung (EBSILON User's Conference), Seeheim, Germany (2011) |
100 | VDI Thermodynamik-Kolloquium Frankfurt/Main , Germany (2011) |
99 | ASHRAE Conference, Montreal, Canada (2011) |
98 | EBSILON in der Lehre, Bensheim, Germany (2011) |
97 | ASHRAE Winter Conference, Las Vegas (2011) |
96 | EBSILON-Anwendertagung (EBSILON User's Conference), Seeheim, Germany (2010) |
95 | Fachausschüsse Thermodynamik der VDI-GEU und ProcessNet, Bayreuth, Germany (2010) |
94 | ASHRAE Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA (2010) |
93 | SAXSIM 2010, Chemnitz, Germany (2010) |
92 | ASHRAE Winter Conference, Orlando FL (2010) Poster
91 | Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany (2009) (Colloquium on Power Station Technology, Dresden, Germany)
90 | EBSILON-Anwendertagung (EBSILON User's Conference), Bensheim, Germany (2009) |
89 | 17th International Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder CO (2009) |
88 | Mathcad Workshop, ALSTOM Baden, Switzerland (2008) |
87 | 4. Deutsche Wasserstoff Congress, Essen, Germany (2008) |
86 | EBSILON-Anwendertagung (EBSILON User's Conference), Bensheim, Germany (2008)
85 | Workshop on E-Learning WEL, Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig, Germany (2008) |
84 | 15th Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam, Berlin, Germany (2008) |
83 | Internationale Wissenschaftskonferenz Zittau/Görlitz (WIKO), Session E-Learning, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Zittau, Germany (2008) |
82 | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle WA (2007) Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Stöcker, I.; Jaehne, I.; Herrmann, S.; Kunick, M.; Salomo, B.: |
81 | VDI Thermodynamik-Kolloquium Rostock, Germany (2007) |
80 | Symposium „eLearning an Hochschulen“. 07. März 2007. TU Dresden, Germany (2007) |
79 | VDI-Tagung Fortschrittliche Energiewandlung und -anwendung, Leverkusen, Germany (2006) |
78 | 16th International Symposium on Thermophsical Properties, Boulder CO (2006) |
77 | Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany (2006) |
76 | DKV-Jahrestagung, Dresden, Germany (2006) |
75 | Ebsilon-Anwendertagung der Fa. Sofbid (EBSILON User's Conference, Firma Sofbid), Bensheim, Germany (2006) |
74 | Workshop on E-Learning des Bildungsportals Sachsen in Leipzig, Germany (2006) |
73 | 4. Workshop on e-Learning (WEL’06), 11. Juli 2006, HTW Leipzig (FH), Germany (2006) |
72 | Workshop on E-Learning des Bildungsportals Sachsen in Mittweida, Germany (2006) |
71 | 5. Fachtagung Brennstoffzelle, Hamburg, Germany (2005) |
70 | Annual Meeting of IAPWS, Santorini, Italy (2005) |
69 | VDI Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2005) |
68 | Ebsilon-Anwendertagung der Fa. Sofbid (EBSILON User's Conference, Firma Sofbid), Bensheim, Germany (2005) |
67 | VGB-Fachtagung Gasturbinen und Gasturbinenbetrieb, Dresden, Germany (2005) Poster |
66 | Meeting of AA-CAES Work Package 4 of European Union, Lisbon, Portugal (2005) |
65 | Meeting of AA-CAES Work Package 4 of European Union, Berlin, Germany (2005) |
64 | 13. Leipziger Informatik-Tage, LIT 2005, Leipzig, Germany (2005) Poster |
63 | Kolloquium am Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik der Universität Rostock, Rostock, Germany (2005) Presentation |
62 | Kolloquium Lernsysteme und Lernmanagemensysteme, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (FH), Görlitz , Germany (2005) Presentation |
61 | 14th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam (14th ICPWS), Kyoto, Japan (2004) |
60 | VDI Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Wittenberg, Germany (2004) |
59 | Ebsilon-Anwendertagung, Bensheim, Germany (2004) |
58 | 2. Tag der Sächsischen Hochschuldidaktik, Meißen, Germany (2004) |
57 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Vejle, Denmark (2003) |
56 | 15th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder CO 2003 |
55 | XXV. Kraftwerktechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany (2003)(25th Colloquium on Power Station Technology, Dresden, Germany) Poster |
54 | Meeting of AA-CAES Work Package 4 of the European Union, Paderborn, Germany (2003) |
53 | Project Workshop of the Media Design Center, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany (2003) |
52 | Konferenz "Bildungsportal Sachsens - Verbundprojekt der Hochschulen Sachsens zur virtuellen Aus- und Weiterbildung", Chemnitz, Germany (2003) (Conference of the "Education Portal of Saxony - joint project of Saxony's Universities for virtual education" ) Presentation
51 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2002) |
50 | 16th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, London, United Kingdom (2002) |
49 | VDI-GET Tagung Druckluft, Veitshöchheim, Germany (2002) Poster |
48 | VDI-GET Tagung Energiespeicher, Veitshöchheim, Germany (2002)(VDI-GET Conference on Energy Storage, Veitshöchheim)
47 | VDI Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Wernigerode, Germany (2002)(VDI Congress on Thermodynamics, Wernigerode) |
46 | Ebsilon-Anwendertagung, Bensheim, Germany (2002)(Ebsilon User's Conference) |
45 | Arbeitstagung Bildungsportal Sachsen, Chemnitz, Germany (2002)(Working Conference of the Educational Portal of Saxony, Chemnitz) |
44 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Gaithersburg (2001) |
43 | Ebsilon-Anwendertagung, Bensheim, Germany (2001)(Ebsilon User's Conference) |
42 | 14th International Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder (2000) |
41 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic (2000) |
40 | 13th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam, Toronto, Canada (1999) Kretzschmar, H.-J.; Stöcker, I.; Klinger, J.; Dittmann A.: |
39 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (1999) |
38 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom (1998) |
37 | VDI Thermodynamik Kolloquium, Leipzig, Germany (1998)(VDI Conference on Thermodynamics, Leipzig) |
36 | VGB-Konferenz "Forschung in der Kraftwerkstechnik", Essen, Germany (1998)(VGB Conference "Research in Power Station Technology, Essen) |
35 | 13th International Conference on the Thermophysical Properties, Boulder (1997) |
34 | IAPWS Symposium, Erlangen, Germany (1997) |
33 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Erlangen, Germany (1997) |
32 | VDI Thermodynamik Kolloquium, Frankfurt, Germany (1997) (VDI Conference on Thermodynamics, Frankfurt) |
31 | KPRO-Anwendertagung, Fichtner Energieconsult, Stuttgart, Germany (1997) (KPRO User's Conference, Fichtner Energy Consulting, Stuttgart) |
30 | Zentrale Informationsveranstaltung der VEAG, Berlin, Germany (1997) (Central Information Meeting of VEAG, Berlin) |
29 | IAPWS Annual Meeting , Fredericia, Denmark (1996) |
28 | Public Seminar at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (1996) |
27 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Paris, France (1995) |
26 | Fourth Asian Conference on Thermophysical Conference, Tokyo, Japan (1995) |
25 | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, San Francisco (1995) |
24 | VDI Thermodynamik Kolloquium, Merseburg, Germany (1995) (VDI Congress of Thermodynamics, Magdeburg) |
23 | 12th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam, Orlando (1994) |
22 | VDI Thermodynamik Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany (1993) |
21 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Milano, Italy (1993) |
20 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, Russia (1992) |
19 | VDI Thermodynamik Kolloquium, Aachen, Germany (1992) (VDI Thermodynamics Congress, Aachen) |
18 | X. Thermodynamik-Kolloquium der TU Dresden, Oberbärenburg, Germany (1991) (10th Congress on Thermodynamics of the TU Dresden, Oberbärenburg) |
17 | IAPWS Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan (1991) |
16 | The 5th International Workshop on Equations of State, Bochum, Germany (1990) |
15 | VDI Thermodynamik Kolloquium, Heilbronn, Germany (1990) (VDI Thermodynamics Congress, Heilbronn)
14 | 11th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam, Prague, Czech Republic (1989) |
13 | IX. Thermodynamik-Kolloquium der TU Dresden, Johanngeorgenstadt (1989)(10th Thermodynamics Conference of the TU Dresden, Johanngeorgenstadt)
12 | 10th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Properties, Prague, Czech Republic (1988) |
11 | 18. Wochenseminar der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thermodynamik in der chemischen Gesellschaft, Meuselbach (1988) (18th week-long Seminar of the Working Group of Thermodynamics in the Chemical Society, Meuselbach) |
10 | VIII. Thermodynamik-Kolloquium der TU Dresden, Johanngeorgenstadt (1987) |
09 | VIII. Wissenschaftliche Konferenz für Energiewirtschaft, Zittau (1987)(8th Scientific Conference for Energy Industry, Zittau) |
08 | 17. Wochenseminar der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thermodynamik in der chemischen Gesellschaft, Reinhardsbrunn (1987)(Week-long seminar of the Working Group of Thermodynamics in the Chemical Society, Reinhardsbrunn) |
07 | Wochenseminar der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thermodynamik in der chemischen Gesellschaft, Meura (1986)(Week-long seminar of the Working Group of Thermodynamics in the Chemical Society, Meura) |
06 | VII. Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Johanngeorgenstadt (1985) |
05 | 10th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam, Moscow (1984) |
04 | Wochenseminar der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thermodynamik in der chemischen Gesellschaft, Kühlungsborn (1984)(Week-long seminar of the Working Group of Thermodynamics in the Chemical Society, Kühlungsborn) |
03 | VI. Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Johanngeorgenstadt (1983) |
02 | VI. Wissenschaftliche Konferenz für Energiewirtschaft, Zittau (1982) |
01 | V. Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Johanngeorgenstadt (1981) (5th Conference of Thermodynamics, Johanngeorgenstadt) |
| (Contribution to the effective provision of non-explicitly-formulated thermodynamic state functions through comparison of generally-valid initial iteration values which are independent of the material) |