Research projects
The following research projects are being worked on or were worked on by Prof. Kretzschmar and his colleagues:
BMWi Project "Fast calculation of real properties in ATHLET according to the latest IAPWS standards (SBRS – AC2)"
This process, developed in the field of technical thermodynamics, for the fast and precise calculation of thermodynamic properties with the "Spline-Based Table Look-Up Method" (SBTL) is integrated into the reactor safety code ATHLET.
- Association for Reactor Safety, Munich (Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) München)
Current work:
- Analysis of the requirements for property calculation in the various calculation models from ATHLET
- Development of a new property library with the SBTL method on the basis of the scientific IAPWS standards
ASHRAE Project "SPC 213 – Method for Calculating Moist Air Thermodynamic Properties"
A new standard for calculating the thermodynamic properties of humid air is being developed on behalf of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
- University of Maryland, College Park, MA (USA)
Current work:
- Verification of the calculation model developed
ASHRAE Research Project "RP 1767 – Moist Air Transport Properties Research"
A new procedure for calculating the transport properties of humid air is being developed on behalf of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
- University of Maryland, College Park, MA (USA)
Current work:
- Further development of the procedure for calculating the transport properties of humid air
Letter of acknowledgement from ASHRAE
Editing of the chapter "D2.1 Water" in the 12th edition of the book "VDI Heat Atlas"
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Editing of the 3rd edition of the book "International Steam Tables"
ESF Project "E-AssessMINT: New Media to promote self-study using E-Learning processes in the STEM field"
BMBF Project "thermoACTIVE: A didactic concept for active understanding and differentiated enhanced performance in technical thermodynamics"
SMWK Project "Simulation of advanced dynamic processes with fluid mixtures on the basis of a fast and precise calculation of properties with spline interpolation"
Development of subroutine libraries for the calculation of thermophysical property data of working fluids in power engineering
Work on industry assignments in connection with the calculation of thermophysical property data in process modelling
Conception and optimization of new energy conversion processes on the basis of a fast and flexible calculation of properties with spline interpolation
Fast and flexible property calculation with spline interpolation for the modelling and optimization of advanced energy conversion processes
Calculation of energy conversion processes with carbon capture on the basis of a fast and flexible calculation of properties with spline interpolation
Development of subroutine libraries for the calculation of thermophysical property data of working fluids in power engineering
Work on industry assignments in connection with the calculation of thermophysical property data in process modelling
Development of a competence-oriented E-Assessment tool for the field of technical thermodynamics thermoE
Editing of the 5th edition of the book "Kleine Formelsammlung Technische Thermodynamik" (Brief Collection of Formulae Technical Thermodynamics)
Editing of the 3rd edition of the book "International Steam Tables"
Preparation of teaching materials for vocational degree courses
Together with Prof. Dr.-Ing. I. Kraft, HTWK Leipzig, the AKAD coursebook THD104 for the subject technical thermodynamics is being prepared for vocational degree courses.
- AKAD Stuttgart
- HTWK Leipzig
Learning system Thermopr@ctice - Calculation of exercises in the area of technical thermodynamics on the PC using Mathcad.